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  Dos nuevos libros: 1)Dicc. de términos islámicos; 2) Árabe dialectal sudanés  
  Se ha enviado recientemente a la lista de distribución americana Arabic-L la siguiente noticia relativa a la aparición de los libros:

- Dictionary of Central Asian Islamic Terms
- Spoken Sudanese Arabic: Grammar, Dialogues, and Glossary


Dictionary of Central Asian Islamic Terms

This specialized dictionary defines some 2,300 Islamic terms as they are attested in each of the following nine Central Asian languages: Bashkir, Karakalpak, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Tajik, Tatar, Turkmen, Uyghur, and Uzbek. The terms relate specifically to Islamic concepts, Islamic ritual and law, technical terms related to hadith, hajj, philosophy, Sufism, hagiolatry, and pilgrimage. The dictionary also includes proper nouns relating to names and epithets of God and prophets, as well as those relating to specific religious locales central to the Islamic faith and names of the suras of the Qur’an. The dictionary is based on material from sources dated 1985 and later.

Allen Frank, Jahangir Mamatov
2002 400 Hardboard Item # 3211 $80.00
ISBN: 1-881265-88-9

Spoken Sudanese Arabic: Grammar, Dialogues, and Glossary

This is the first book length treatment of Spoken Sudanese Arabic for English speakers since 1979. The book opens with a grammar sketch which describes sounds, word building, phrase and sentence structure, and discourse in Sudanese Arabic. The teaching dialogues are transcribed from authentic audio and video recordings made by first language speakers of Sudanese Arabic. Each dialogue is followed by a glossary of words and phrases from the dialogue and by comprehensive notes that explain linguistic and cultural features. The focus of this work is listening comprehension and is designed for use by intermediate level learners of Arabic who are familiar with Modern Standard Arabic and at least one other dialect of spoken Arabic. Learners at other levels as well as researchers with an interest in Arabic dialects will also find this work useful.

Elizabeth M. Bergman
2002 393 Hardboard Item # 3217 $45.00
ISBN: 1-881265-92-7
Cassettes (1 x 90 min) / 1 Audio CD Item # 3218 $12.00

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